Lirik Syuthay - Jagal

Lyrics for 'Jagal' by Syuthay 

Arogansi tanpa nurani
Kekuasaan menjadi tujuan
Hati dengan pekat hitam
Menyimba darah dengan senyuman
Bilah pedang siap diayun
Pastikan tepat sasaran
Kata terakhir menjadi pilihan
Eksekusi kepala selanjutnya
Berdiri tegak bagai pahlawan
Sorot tajam berlumur darah
Sang jagal siapa bertugas
Mawar merah tanda lencana
Hukum berlaku bukan hambatan
Asah pedang sampai meruncing
Jenderal jagal siap memimpin

Let's Stream 'Jagal' by Syuthay 

Disclaimer: Check this out! all the music video and lyrics Syuthay - Jagal provided on this blog is copyright / ownership of the authors, artists and music labels are concerned. 

Be aware that entire media including the video clip & lyrics of the song Syuthay - Jagal available on this site are for promotional and evaluation purposes only and we also do not provide any MP3 files downloader here.

Guy's let support our artist & the production crew that working hard to released there masterpiece by getting the legit & original CD/DVD and digital music download such as Spotify, iTunes, Deezer, Joxx, KKBOX & others legit music medium.

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